The Savoy

'The Savoy' is our Toyota Hilux 3l 4x4 Single cab with a custom designed camper made by Alucab

The Savoy

The Savoy
A Hotel on Wheels

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Strandfontein Weekend at Caravan Park

2011.2.17-19 – Strandfontein Weekend at the Caravan Park
With us were Rodney, Chrissie, Gemma and Rob (came on Saturday)
Friday 17th February
Left home later than intended at about 1pm. Alan wanted to use Manus Kotze’s kayak so we drove via Lambert’s Bay to collect it at his holiday home there. This was very interesting as it’s a gated community about 9km north of Lambert’s bay right on the coast – couldn’t get closer to the sea if you tried. His house is lovely but as usual we saw all the cracks and design faults. That’s the trouble with us; we can never appreciate something for what it is. Andre was also there. She obviously loves it as I would had we not bought our Savoy! But the kayak turned out to be a barge so we had a drink and moved on to Strandfontein.
This road between LB and Strandfontein belongs to the iron-ore company and would you believe it they demand a R30 fee for the use of it. It can’t be more than 25km and there’s a toll. Its not as if the iron-ore companies are skint or anything – Iniquitous is what I call it. Anyway we bribed the bloke and only paid R5. Bribery works.
Because we were late the Burtons got to Strandfontein before us. This became a problem as they didn’t know the place and instead of waiting for us booked a site far away from the sea. Now the lady at the desk insisted we pay for two sites which made it double. Not what we planned. We moved down to the sea-shore sites as that was important especially for me. I’d been looking forward to the sea for weeks.
A note about Strandfontein municipality and their caravan park: You have to pay a deposit of R320 (in cash) and then they will only deposit it back into your account afterwards. I am still waiting for the deposit to arrive in my bank account. This has put us off staying in the park again.
Each site has its own bathroom which is nice except our hot water didn’t work. Also there is nowhere to put anything – no shelves or bankies – v irritating.
Had a braai of sausage and pork rib.
Saturday 18th February
Woke up later than usual which was nice. Decided to walk from Oliphant’s river mouth to Strandfontein. Drove to Papendorp in the Burton’s vehicle. Lots of water in the vlei and the salt pans were full of water. Probably from the high spring tides the day before.
The walk is nice and easy especially at spring low. Its about 7km – one of my favourites.
The Stotters turned up about half way so the boys went back to get the bakkie and we girls carried on. Didn’t see any oyster catchers this time…sigh.
Lunch of scotch eggs and cold meats and salads. Alan and Rob then went off to the estuary to canoe and try catch some fish. We rested and I had a lekker snooze – much needed. Walked around the village with the B’s. Had another braai of pork, lamb and sausage.
Sunday 19th February
Breakfast of bacon and eggs. Suddenly everyone was getting ready to go and I was still in relax mode. You have to be out by 10am or pay another R90. Glory be!!! Anyway the B’s wanted to get off to see Roger. First to Doring Baai. Rob and Alan took the canoe out into the harbour and collected some mussels. The B’s collected kelp for their compost and Gemma took photos of the harbour and lighthouse. She makes money from her pics on some website that uses them as background features.
Gem and I also had a little paddle each. Then the B’s left for Roger and we went to have lunch at the Cabin Pub and restaurant, which has a deck that looks like a boat. V nice calamari but the chips were slap. We ran into Bette and Graham who were staying at a B&B nearby.
On our way home guess who was coming back from their trip to the Augrabies? Di and Richard. We invited ourselves for tea. They told us all about the falls and we tried to get a word in about the camping trip. I have to say that it is far nicer to stay at the house Di usually hires. r
Home after 6. Wish we could take Nuggett with us… sigh.
It was just wonderful to get away from the broiling valley even if it was just a couple of days.

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